You Will Never Be Able To Drive On The Gay Street Bridge Again

Image: Fine Art America

By Cody McClure

Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon said today that Gay Street Bridge will never again open to regular traffic.

The bridge has been closed since back in the summer when Vol Baseball held its National Championship parade.

According to WVLT, the city’s latest update confirmed that only pedestrians and cyclists will be able to use the bridge from now on.

TDOT had previously said the bridge had a problem with “critical load-bearing infrastructure.”

The Mayor said the bridge’s age is the biggest problem. It was built back in 1898. Wow.

And the bridge had already apparently outlasted its anticipated lifespan of 70-80 years.

I don’t know about you all, but I was really looking forward to driving my car on the Gay Street Bridge again soon.

Too bad. It’s all over now. A distant memory.

But change isn’t always bad. Sometimes it’s necessary.

I guess we’ll all have to get bicycles.


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